What do we believe about...?

Every core Lutheran belief is summarized in the Book of Concord. Whether you're a child or an adult, a non-Christian or Christian, there is an explanation of our beliefs that is accessible for everyone. 

If you're interested in the basics, start with the Small Catechism and then the Large Catechism.

If you want to see a simple explanation of what we believe by topic, check out the Augsburg Confession.

If you want to know more, take a look at the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, as well as the other documents included in the Book of Concord.

"We indeed (to repeat in conclusion what we have mentioned several times above) have wished, in this work of concord, in no way to devise what is new, or to depart from the truth of the heavenly doctrine which our ancestors, renowned for their piety, as well as we ourselves, have acknowledged and professed." - Introduction to the Book of Concord

We belong to the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.